ISO 9001:2015 & ISO 27001:2022 Certified Organization

Consultancy Services for end of Project Evaluation and Development of an Exit Strategy for Support to the Control of Communicable Diseases in SADC Region

Project Evaluation and Development of an Exit Strategy for Support to the Control of Communicable Diseases in SADC Region
2015 Diseases HIV and AIDS TB Malaria Public Health African Development Bank

About the Project

The project 'Support for the Control of Communicable Diseases (HIV and AIDS, TB and Malaria)' was implemented by the Southern African Development Community (SADC) with financial support from the African Development Bank (AfDB). The objective of the ‘End of Project Evaluation and Development of an Exit Strategy’ assignment was three dimensional -

first, conducting an overall project evaluation to examine the extent to which project objectives were met and assess the appropriateness of management structures and project design;

second, documenting key case studies to assess implementation regimes, success and failures of the project; and third, explore means to sustain CD project activities and impact in the region across all member countries and document an Exit strategy for the project.

Our Role

VisionRI was engaged by the SADC Secretariat to conduct the end of project evaluation and development of an exit strategy for support to the control of communicable diseases in SADC region. Our experienced Team of Health Economists was mobilized in nine selected member states (MS) to collate quality information. The team started the tasks from literature review and instrument design including methods and tools for data/information collection and analysis, subsequent to the field work, a preliminary analysis was produced as a daft EoPE Report, Exit strategy and Case Studies. The final draft EoPE report, draft key Case Studies, draft Exit Strategy as well as the key findings and recommendations was presented to all key stakeholders in a validation workshop. Based on the feedback/comments/suggestions from the workshop, the three key deliverables – EoPE Report, Case Studies, and Exit Strategy – was finalized, and submitted to the SADC Secretariat and African Development Bank.