ISO 9001:2015 & ISO 27001:2022 Certified Organization

Zimbabwe - National Water Resources Master Plan

We have been retained to work for it
08 May 2017 00:00:00 Zimbabwe National Water Resource Master Plan

We have been retained by the Zimbabwe National Water Authority to prepare water resosurce master plan for the country. The specific objectives of the assignment ToR are:

  • To develop a Master Plan that guides planning, development and management of water resources in a way that is integrated and collaborative and in support of sustainable management and development, ensuring responsible and sustainable stakeholder participation. 
  • To identify, through completion of the Master Plan, a structured program of proposed climate-resilient investments for the development and management of water resources and irrigation infrastructure in Zimbabwe, and the upgrading and modernization of the water sector, including water resources and irrigation development and management. 
  • To develop a National Water Resources Implementation and Monitoring Plan with all associated costs for full implementation of the NWRMP.

The assignment is funded by the World Bank