ISO 9001:2015 & ISO 27001:2022 Certified Organization
About the Project
The Ministry of Environment, Water and Climate (MEWC) in close collaboration with the Ministry of Agriculture, Mechanization and Irrigation Development (MAMID), Ministry of Energy and Power Development (MEPD), and with the assistance from the World Bank is developing ‘A National Water Resources Master Plan for 2020-2040 horizons’ (NWRMP).
The objective of the assignment is to develop a National Water Resources Master Plan (NWRMP) for 2020-2040 horizon that is consistent with the National Water Policy and the country’s short term, mid-term and long term development plans. The general objective of this NWRMP is to ensure a sustainable water resources development, utilization and management in the country. This Master plan will be a blueprint for a process of sustainable water, land and related resources development and management with the aim to maximize economic and social welfare in an equitable manner while safeguarding the environment
Our Role
VisionRI is engaged by the Zimbabwe National Water Authority (ZINWA) to prepare a sustainable water resources master plan for the country. We are adopting a highly participatory approach to understand and meet the expectations of all stakeholders through this master plan. Our experienced multidisciplinary team is started from water resources situational analysis that covers assessment of quantity, quality and spatial distribution of water resources, setting the current and future water requirement by sector, considering environmental primary requirements at catchment level as well as trans-boundary water management, classifying environmental flow requirement for main rivers and identification of threats and mitigation measures, recommendation on wetland and forest management system, analysing climate change and variability, resilience of water resources to impact of climate change, variability and extreme events, assessing water related disasters, identifying sub-projects and assessing investment needs in climate resilient, socially sustainable and gender sensitive (including flood and drought management) infrastructure rehabilitation and development, providing recommendations on water pricing and tariff for the water sector, advising on legal framework, policies, and institutional arrangements, capacity building interventions, developing water MIS, and preparing and finalizing national water resources master plan.