ISO 9001:2015 & ISO 27001:2022 Certified Organization

TA-4814-IND: State Roads Projects in Chhattisgarh and Jharkhand, India

2008 State Roads Projects Transport

The Scope

The purpose of the technical assistance (TA) was to assist Government of Jharkhand and Chhattisgarh in preparation of state roads for the ADB's follow-on investment. During project implementation, we conducted due diligence on detailed project reports (DPRs) in line with government and ADB's policies and guidelines, especially in respect of economic and financial assessment, social assessment including indigenous people, and resettlement and environmental safeguards. The study has covered about 2,500 km of state road network covering state highways and major district roads.

Our Role

The services provided by us under the assignment included environmental safeguard planning for the project. Our scope of work included:

  • Review the environmental classification of road projects and prepare the summary matrix for environmental classification
  • Review all the IEE/EIA report for the EMP and preparing-completing the EMP where it’s needed
  • Assess the EA capacity in addressing environmental concerns related with the Project and prepare proposed environmental assessment review framework
  • Provide guidance to MPRDC on procedural requirements and required activities for each stage of the project preparation
  • Assessment of institutional strengthening needs and training to executing agencies in project implementation including environmental safeguard planning.