ISO 9001:2015 & ISO 27001:2022 Certified Organization

TA 4496-IND Capacity Building for Clean Development Mechanism, India

Capacity Building for Clean Development Mechanism
2007 Clean Development India Energy

The Scope

The technical assistance was aimed to mainstream Clean Development Mechanism (CDM) in the power sector through consultations, introduction of various initiatives and instruments, e.g. Carbon Market Initiatives (CMI). The TA was also aimed to support State Utilities working in power sector to identify the project which can be considered for possible CDM benefits and prepare the projects for CDM considerations.

Our Role

The services provided by us under the TA included:

(a) organizing a consultation workshop at Country level involving over 200 State Power Utilities to discourse about the possibilities of developing potential power sector projects that may be eligible for carbon credits under CDM;

(b) provision of logistics support for organizing the workshop and preparation of a summary of discussion;

(c) evaluation and qualification of selected State utilities for emission reduction trading under the Kyoto Protocol;

(d) Identification of the technical and institutional requirements to develop candidate CDM projects;

(e) Assessment of assistance required for selected State utilities to strengthen their capacity to prepare for candidate CDM projects.