ISO 9001:2015 & ISO 27001:2013 Certified Organization

TA 4966-VIE: Capacity Building on Environmental Management to the Power Sector in Viet Nam

Capacity Building on Environmental Management to the Power Sector
2010 Capacity Building Environmental Power Sector Viet Nam Energy ADB

The Scope

The technical assistance (TA) was composed of two components, one component of the TA aimed at strengthening the capacity of Viet Nam Electricity (EVN) in environmental management in order to adopt best environmental practices for ensuring sustainable development of thermal power plants (TPPs) in Viet Nam, while second component of the TA aimed to assist the Department of Environment and Natural Resources (DONRE) of Quang Ninh province in addressing air pollution problems due to the development of power projects and mining activity in order to improve its capacity for managing air quality in the province. The expected outcome of Component-1 was to build adequate capacity and technical knowledge of pollution control and environmental management measures associated with TPPs within EVN. The outcome of Component-2 was to strengthened the capacity of Quang Ninh DONRE in air quality management. The main output of the TA components was to include capacity-building activities for EVN staff, preparation of training materials on pollution control and environmental management for TPPs, preparation of a medium-term capacity-building plan on environmental management for EVN, capacity building activities for Quang Ninh DONRE, establishment of air quality monitoring stations in Mong Duong, Quang Ninh Province, conduct health surveys in Mong Duong, Quang Ninh province, and preparation of an air quality management plan for Quang Ninh Province. 


Our Role

A team of experienced Energy and Environment Sector Experts was deployed by us to carry out the services. The activities performed by us included:

  • Capacity-building activities for EVN staff including preparation of training materials on pollution control and environmental management for TPPs;
  • Preparation of a medium-term capacity building plan on environmental management for EVN and capacity building activities for Quang Ninh DONRE;
  • Establishment of air quality monitoring stations in Mong Duong, Quang Ninh Province; and
  • Conduct health surveys in Mong Duong, Quang Ninh Province and preparation of an air quality management plan for Quang Ninh Province.