ISO 9001:2015 & ISO 27001:2022 Certified Organization

TA 6392-IND: Supporting the Implementation of the Energy Efficiency Initiative in DMCs

2007 Asian Development Bank Carbon Market Initiatives CDM projects Future power sector conditions Clean Development Mechanism Carbon Market Initiatives CMI Kyoto Protocol Technical and institutional requirements to develop candidate CDM projects Tariff Analysis Potential demand-side management DSM

The Scope

As part of ADB’s initiatives such as Clean Energy and Environment Program (CE&EP) and Energy Efficiency Initiative (EEI), the TA aimed at :

  1. developing regional and country strategies and action plans to reach the lending target set for the EEI
  2. developing the necessary institutional capacity in ADB to scale up as well as monitor and evaluate activities implemented under the EEI
  3. establish the Clean Energy Financing Partnership Facility (CEFPF) to catalyze greater investments in CE in the region.

India is one of the six priority DMCs identified under EEI. The Government of India’s (GOI) was to meet the targets of its ambitious “Power for All by 2012” and sustainable energy development agenda to provide the suitable market environment for EE and RE investments. Under this broad objective, the assessment of power sector in Assam was planned to contribute in the ongoing TA activities and upscale the efforts for increasing EE and RE investments.

Our Role

An experienced multidisciplinary team including Energy Economist was deployed by us to carry out the services. The activities performed by us included:  

  • Assessment of current and future power sector conditions in Assam;
  • Study the progress of power sector reform, financial positions of ASEB and other power sector utility companies, tariff analysis and potential demand-side management (DSM) and end-use EE activities;
  • Review the power sector master development plan and the five-year investment plan for generation, transmission, and distribution projects in the State;
  • Assess which sub-sector and which sub-projects should be prioritized to maximize the development;
  • Discuss with the various companies of ASEB and regulatory agencies about the needs of power sector in Assam;
  • Identify the prioritized ADB financing projects and propose the five-year assistance plan by ADB; and  
  • Preparing a concise sector assessment report.