ISO 9001:2015 & ISO 27001:2022 Certified Organization

ADB TA 4814-IND: Project Processing and Capacity Development - TAC Bihar Power Sector Development Program

Project Processing and Capacity Development
2008 Project Processing and Capacity Development Energy Power Sector Development

The Scope

The technical assistance was to support Government of Bihar in the Preparation of Power Sector Investment Plan in state which includes generation, transmission and distribution components. Specific support included four components as :

  1. finalization of feasibility reports prepared by BSEB for generation, transmission and distribution projects
  2. due diligence on technical aspects of transmission system expansion, distribution upgrading and hydropower generation facilities, corporate governance parameters in place, sector restructuring, financial and economic analyses, environmental and social assessment, including resettlement plans
  3. development of a program component to implement sector reforms including an institutional capacity building program
  4. review of bidding documents and designs prepared by BSEB and BHPC. 

Our Role

The services provided by us under the TA included assist the Government of Bihar in undertaking environmental safeguard planning of the sub-project components. Our scope of work included:

  1. review and finalization of the EIA/IEE reports for proposed sub-projects and propose the required mitigation measures in the design, construction, and maintenance of the proposed sub projects. In each case, to assess conformity with ADB’s Environment Policy and Guidelines
  2. prepare a summary initial environment examination report
  3. assess any possibility of obtaining support for possible reduction of greenhouse gases from the Clean Development Mechanism for the proposed loan Project
  4. assess the possible GEF or any similar grant support for various renewable energy developments in the State and prepare a brief status report
  5. draft the relevant sections for the draft Aide-Memoire (AM) and subsequently for draft RRP.