ISO 9001:2015 & ISO 27001:2022 Certified Organization

Full Feasibility Study of the Transmission & Distribution Networks for the Electrification of the Badakhshan Province of Afghanistan

Lighting the Way: Electrification Study Sets Stage for Badakhshan Province's Future

A comprehensive feasibility study was done to assess the transmission and distribution networks for electrification in Afghanistan's Badakhshan Province. This consulting assignment aimed to thoroughly examine the necessary infrastructure and operations to electrify the region effectively. The study involved several critical steps which focused on evaluating the transmission and distribution networks required across Badakhshan. This task included gathering and characterizing existing information about the infrastructure, coordinating to plan connections from production sites to consumers, and exploring the potential for extending transmission lines to neighboring areas.

As the lead firm in the consortium, the organizing responsibilities included the collection and review of various data types, such as climatological, topographical, hydrological, geological, and geotechnical data, alongside existing studies. The analysis extended to examining the network within the province, selecting optimized routes for transmission lines through environmental, social, and technical investigations, and conducting stakeholder consultations and site reconnaissance.

Further, the project entailed preparing the conceptual design of transmission lines and substations, conducting an Environmental and Social Impacts Assessment (ESIA), assessing risks, and calculating detailed project costs and implementation schedules. The final stages of the study included drafting the feasibility report, recommending contract packages for tendering according to project objectives, assisting in fiber optic business estimations, and organizing workshops. This extensive study was a collaborative effort involving entities like Pamir Energy, Badakhshan Energy, and the Agha Khan Foundation, all aiming to enhance the electrification infrastructure in Badakhshan Province.