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Feasibility and Engineering Studies for the Rehabilitation of 1500ha (in each province) of Irrigated Schemes on Provinces of Cuanza Sul, Huambo, Bié, Huíla and Lunda Sul - Lot 2- Huambo Province

Feasibility and Engineering Studies Underway for Major Irrigation Rehabilitation Project Across Huambo Province in Angola

The assignment for the Feasibility and Engineering Studies for the Rehabilitation of 1500ha of Irrigated Schemes across the provinces of Cuanza Sul, Huambo, Bié, Huíla, and Lunda Sul, specifically targeting Lot 2 in Huambo Province, is currently underway. This extensive project involves conducting feasibility studies, preparing engineering projects including preliminary and detailed designs, and drafting specifications for the works. The assignment also includes creating Terms of Reference for hiring supervisory companies for each contracted work and establishing management frameworks for the ongoing maintenance of the planned works. These activities are aimed at refining the support mechanisms for the development of irrigated agriculture, which involves selecting perimeters for rehabilitation, defining technical modalities, and proposing management consultancy frameworks for organizations benefiting from the infrastructures.

The project covers five provinces outside the Commercial Agriculture Development Project (CADP) area, funded by the World Bank in Angola. It encompasses multiple phases, beginning with the Pre-Feasibility Study in Phase 1. This initial phase consists of preparing an Inception Report, conducting a Desk Review, identifying eligible perimeters, updating the inventory list, conducting preliminary site assessments, identifying rehabilitation needs, engaging stakeholders, and prioritizing perimeters, followed by producing a prefeasibility report.

In Phase 2, the Feasibility Study is actively being pursued with detailed site surveys for technical investigation, socio-economic assessments, environmental and social characterizations, reviews of the legal framework, and the generation of design inputs. Additionally, this phase includes the execution of an Environmental and Social Impact Assessment and the development of various safeguard instruments and guidelines. These guidelines are designed to establish a public grievance system, set standards for construction and inspection, and develop a comprehensive code of conduct.

The Engineering Design aspect of Phase 2 focuses on developing both preliminary and final project designs and delineating the operation and maintenance modalities. The project also extends support in procurement and includes interventions aimed at building capacity during the Procurement Support phase.